The To Do list is a handy way to assign different tasks prior to and after a Life Events service as well as have reminders when things need to be completed such as Banns Reading or Wedding Anniversaries.
An issue has recently been identified with some services where the date was changed, or when a to do list item receiver was changed, the original reminder did not get updated. This meant that some reminders were sent at the wrong time or to a previous person. The to do list for these reminders were shown for the right person, it was just the underlying email reminder that may have been incorrect. There have also been some reminders which were not sent out.
The underlying issue for these has been resolved and so services added to the Life Events Diary have the correct reminders, and existing to do items have all been checked/ updated to ensure the email reminders being sent out are correct.
We realise that the to do lists and reminders are an important part of the Life Events Diary in helping your ministry so we apologise for the issue this may have caused.